Saturday, February 9, 2013

Amherstia Nobilis

Walking through a friend's garden (an extensive botanical garden is more appropriate), I spotted this amazing tree that just took my breath away. The last time I saw these gorgeous blooms of the Amherstia Nobilis or Pride of Burma was in Chang Mai, Thailand visiting the hundreds of temples in that beautiful city. It made sense seeing this growing here, since this ornamental tree originates in Burma.

Among the amazing ruin, I first spotted this mature tree about thirty feet high and bursting with amazing hot coral inflorescence or stalks of huge orchidlike flowers, It was quite showy and I took alot of photos of the flowers instead of the temple that I was visiting.

Confused by many to be part of the bauhina or orchid tree genus, Amerhstia Nobilis is its own unique genus and is part of the legume family.

While visiting my friend's garden in the late afternoon, I noticed the tree right away because of its intense coral and orchid shaped flowers. The afternoon light was capturing the beautiful coral/chrimson color cascading down long stalks to reveal their showy colors and large petals highlighted with yellow and hot pink borders.

I would love to find one of these rare trees for my garden, I did spot a five gallon size speciman at a specialty shop selling for $150 and bulked at the price - and it was the only one available. Hmm, I wonder if I can propogate these from cuttings - more research is in the immediate planning if I want to take one of these prized possessions home with me some day. But for now, I can just enjoy them on this gorgeous property.
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