Monday, November 16, 2009

A Seft-Sustainabile Hawaii....Getting there...

Sustainability has been on alot of people's radar here in East Hawaii lately, thats why the Puna Sustainability Expo has come into fruition with the outstanding support of the kanaka council, malama o puna and other local organizations.

I decided to check out the expo to see what's viable, and what I can learn and do immediately to live a better, greener, and healthier lifestyle.

I'm amazed by the turnout for this event even in the middle of a major storm front. For being the 2nd annual event held in Puna, there were alot of participants that covered the gamut from recyling, organic farming, invasive species, new energy technology, raising bees and making honey and so on.

Following are some participants that I ended up talking with and gaining a better understanding what they were doing and how I can also following in their footsteps....

From sustainable show

The Master Gardeners are very active in East Hawaii, sponsor senior container garden seminars, childrens educational garden talks, fruit fly eradication techniques and a future ethnobotanical garden.

From sustainable show

Having your own chickens is a very popular hobby here...I just might have to pick up a couple of these cuties.

From sustainable show

Recycle Hawaii is very active with reducing our overloaded dumps and increasing recycling centers throughout the island to increase recycled options like paper products, green waste, plastics and glass/aluminum that actually gets recyled into many new uses sold abroad or within the islands. They have been active with community clean ups, illegal dump sites erradication, education in schools, and sponsoring artists talking about the benefits of recycling.

From sustainable show

Paper products, utensils and sterno made with cane sugar are all biodegradable products and are available through Sustainable Island Products in Hilo.

From sustainable show

Puna Geothermal is producing more power with the addition of new heat usuage wells along with their steam production wells. They produce an equivalent of 36 megawatts or enough power to supply over 25,000 households in the Big Island alone along with other areas. They are creating a stable source of energy and saving over 5 million barrels of oil consumption and expanding to other islands as well.

From sustainable show

Sawyer Water Filtration is a portable and potible water filtration process that provides a low cost filtration service compared to large scale catchment systems which are predominant in this environment. This beats having to go out to the county water spigots regularly with those small gallon containers.

From sustainable show

Cool pic of a guy that cuts out tires into fun things like swings and garden containers.

From sustainable show

Growing your own honey is a popular hobby that is starting to get more attention due to the declining bee populations in Hawaii. Classes and kits are available through Best Big Island Bees.

From sustainable show

LEDs are starting to become more common in the marketplace...hopefully they'll start coming out with a better yellow glow version down the road...florescent just doesn't work well on my skin....

1 comment:

  1. Hello Noel,

    Sustainability is really big here in the desert as well. I like the biodegradable utensils - what a great idea. My mother is getting some chickens to help with her garden as well. I will be posting about her chickens soon. Unfortunately, my HOA forbids chickens but I could not have them anyway because my husband is a K9 police officer and his police dog lives with us.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel