Monday, December 7, 2009

Its Time for our Annual Christmas Parade....Whopeeeeeee!

Well can you believe its time to celebrate Christmas in Pahoa, although Pahoa Punatics (da locals) consider it polictically correct to call it the Pahoa Holiday Celebration. This is to include all the different religions and nationalities in this community and boy was there a real hodge podge of participants, performers and  Punatics....what a show!

Here are some of the fun highlights...

Whats a parade without some clowns and a pony....giddy-up horsey....

OOOOh yummy its ginger bread sweets from the boys/girls club.

Have a Harry Krishna Christmas.....hummmmmmm.....

Aaaaaaw, its the little doggie christmas yappies!

Oh wow, even the mermaids are coming out to
celebrate a fun parade..

Ho`okupu – to sprout, grow, increase; To cause growth...

No one told me I have to hula hoop all the waaaay
to the end....uuuuugh!

Have a Shaka (cool) Christmas....Mommy go faster !!!

 There's always a funny moment on a parade in Pahoa town.

Howdy... Paniolo Girls wish you a big Aloooooha Christmas!

Doesn't my horsey and I look great in lots of tinsel?

Yeah I wore this for Halloween also, but I still wanted to dress up for any parade!

We're clapping for Santa...Everyone stand up, he's coming !!!

In Pahoa, Santa comes into town on an outrigger canoe festuned with lots of tropical flowers.

These tropical flowers are the real thing on these floats,

real aloha!

Thanks for the fun Holiday Parade Pahoa Town...
see you next year, aloooooha!


  1. These are great! So different from the Christmas parade we just had in our town last Saturday evening! Too bad I forgot my camera, but my friend did not, and maybe with permission I can share with you. I love the Santa in a canoe!

  2. Hi Noel,

    This is a great post! So many readers live in temperate climates where they have cold, wintery weather. I think one of the many things your blog has to offer is showing people how holidays are celebrated in warm areas. I like to tell people who say "It isn't Christmas without snow", that the first Christmas occurred in a desert :0).

  3. What a wonderful Christmas Parade. So beautiful! I was admiring all the plants & flowers used in the parade. The children look lovely with the bird-eye peppers. And all those orchids, bird of paradise & arum look so lovely.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel