Saturday, January 16, 2010

Foliage Follow up Day – January 16th



Don’t hate me, plants don’t die back during winter time in Hawaii, they just keep on growing and what doesn’t bloom at this time still has amazing foliage to back up the spent blooms or they just may be insignificant blooms and the foliage is the real star.

Here’s some of the beautiful foliage showing up at my garden this January.


This is one of my favorite ti plants, isn’t it a real show off?  It loves full sun and is not a water hog like my other tropicals



I have quite a few varieties of crotons, some with thin leaves, some with fat, some with polka dots others with variegated colored veins like below




I am a crazy for coleus plants, they just keep getting bigger, so i have to ruthlessly chopped them down end of december so they don’t turn into mini trees. These variegated beauties below are minatures and are well behaved.



I only have a few clusters of variegated cannas like this one called tropicanna…for some reason they don’t seem to be as popular here on the east side of the island, i’ll have to check out the growers instead to find some more interesting variegated varieties.



I can’t remember the name of this caladium, I love the purple spots and the deep purple veins and the stems are jet black.



I love the photo I took of this stand of caladiums after a morning rain, aren’t hey just screaming aloha and welcome!



Here’s a nice combination of a variegated red ti with some black ti in the background.




This is your standard indoor stromanthes, but i have it growing as a large shrub outdoors.



I don’t tend to collect bromeliads as much since they collect alot of water on their leaves which creates water gullies for mosquitos to come and hatch their eggs. Although I just have a few beauties like this large one in the front and far away from the house.




Okay, i’m not going to torture you anymore, i just wanted to bring a little color into your january day, hope you enjoyed touring the garden. If your aching to see more amazing foliage, head on over to Pam’s site at Digging where she has links on the comments section for other gardeners participating on foliage day.


  1. Most look very familiar here... but I grow a few of them here for the lack of space... ~bangchik

  2. It is interesting for me to see your wonderful photos and plants and to think that I grew several of them as 'house plants' way back when. We do love our coleus (an annual) and cannas in the garden. The second ti plant is absolutely incredible! Diana

  3. Plant lust!

  4. Lucky you being able to garden everyday. I love the way it rains in H...afterwards the clouds roll away, the rain disappears into the sand, and everything is freshly washed and vivid.

  5. Noel - most of those are favourite plants of mine.......... Oh to be able to grow a coleus well - my internet friend lives in the deep south and her coleus leaves grow to the size of dinner plates. I'm drooling at those photos. One cool draft in our house and all those croton leaves would fall off.

  6. So Noel, You like torturing your readers? Well I hate you. NOT REALLY! You've got a dazzling assortment of foliage plants and it's good to show them off especially when so many of us have dull landscapes at present. My favorites are the red ti and the last bromeliad. More, please. I'm a glutton for this kind of torture! :)

  7. Beautiful foliage I just love variegated plants of all sorts.

  8. Gorgeous foliage! Great colors too. ;=)

  9. The foliage here looks very luscious, fresh and healthy, and full of colours. It is fabulous!

  10. Thanks for the torture! :-) Actually, I loved seeing all those tropicals. I especially love that purple spotted caladium as I've never seen anything like it!

  11. I enjoyed all your colorful foliage, particularly those caladiums. I knew a Hawaiian would have a big selection to choose from. Thanks for participating in Foliage Follow-Up!

  12. Beautiful foliage! I imagine your garden is a amazing, tropical place! I have many of the same plants here in my garden. Is that ti plant in photo #2 'Chocolate Queen'? It is a favorite of mine! And I'm so glad you have included some bromeliads in your Hawaiian garden. That specimen is beautiful. Broms are great plants, and the frogs and lizards that crawl among their leaves help control the mosquitoes somewhat, I think.

  13. thanks for taking a tour around the garden with me today only one question to answer for floridagirl - yes the first ti plant is called chocolate queen one of my favorites. i'll be visiting a ti farm in the near future and boy the combinations will blow your socks off.

  14. Hello Noel,

    I don't hate you....BUT, I would love to visit your corner of the world someday and see some of the beautiful plants for myself :-)

  15. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! Not torture, but a wonderful respite from the sombre colors of my world today. -Jean

  16. Cattleya orchid needs repotting every year when the plant is young, and when it becomes older we have to reduce the frequency of repotting to once every two years and eventually to once every three years. It is recommended to repot right after the blooms fade or when new growth is emerging, but if necessary you can repot anytime. For a Cattleya orchid it is best to use a medium grade fir bark as potting mix.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel