Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Trees Sing to me when I Listen




When the trees sing,

It doesn't really matter

If you know the song,

Or if you know the words,

Or even if you know the tune.

What really matters

is knowing ....

That the trees are singing at all.

Mattie Stepanek, 1990-2004










To view other Skywatch Fridays, go to

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Tropical Garden Tour + Trio con Brio Copenhagen





I went on a garden tour on the beautiful Hamakua Coastline in the northern part of the Big Island and sponsored by the Hawaii Concert Society ,  including a meet and greet with the amazing Trio con Brio Copenhagen.  What more can you ask for in a gathering, beautiful music, gorgeous gardens and amazing Hawaiian vistas.

Before we start our tour, go ahead and click on the play button on the you tube link below, we are having special guests perform from the Trio Con Brio while we tour the gardens… Its already

the twilight timeframe, the perfect time for our garden tour.



We started our tour with our hostess who is a vireya gardener and her gardens were filled with blooms that afternoon, the vireya walkways are large borders with varying levels of mature vireyas and all seem to be blooming on command.






















Our hostess has this large raised bed of saucer sized hibiscus that were truly amazing and the color combinations were just so unreal, take a look….






On the way to visit her fruit orchard, I spot this tree I’ve never seen before and it was filled with these amazing yellow flowers that looked like peonies, take a look…





The tree is called a double Buttercup tree or Cochlospermum vitifolium.  Here’s a sample of one of the flowers, aren’t they striking!



The parcel fronts the ocean and I stopped to view the coastlines and take a few pictures of how beautifully lit up the skies were against the coconut trees.







One of the coconut trees we passed had this amazing string of bromeliads climbing up to the base of the tree.



At their fruit orchids there were the usual lemons, limes, oranges,  mangoes and pineapples, but this Musa Ae Ae, really stood out, the variegated bananas are almost ready to be picked.




We are now going to the other side of the garden to view here prized lillies, more vireyas and a waterfall the cascading out to the open ocean.




Pearl earrings of ginger called zerumbet, shell ginger





A white powderpuff called calliandra





A variegated crown of thorns or Euphorbia splendens






This ones a real dazzler called Brownea Capitella, a beautiful shorter tree species











Our guests of honor were the Trio con Brio from Copenhagen, they did a spectacular concert the following night with their amazing performance. Did you enjoy the sample piece they played above on the link?



The sun is starting to set soon, time to take the party indoors and enjoy some food and conversation with members of the concert society. Thanks for taking this tour with us this afternoon.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yes, Rain at Last … Musical notes Hitting my Roof



At last it is here, first barely audible … ever so softly hitting the metal roof, then coming down more consistently and with urgency.



The last few weeks of dull grey skies have teased us long enough, the heaven’s finally opening its treasure chest of liquid gold to refreshed our parched land, soothing the weary flora from its dried foundations. Will we get more nourishment or just a trickle to appease our desperate cries?







For awhile its been consistent in an hours time, and then it stopped. Although, the winds are active and bending the coconut trees, swaying their fronds in all directions.



After a quick walk around the garden, I see a whole branch of my papaya tree has snapped into two and toppled its top heavy bundle of young green papayas due to lack of water. I will still harvest these green papayas and make a refreshing green papaya salad which a gift from my garden.



After I carry my load of fresh papayas, I start to hear the faint rainy patterns again. Hitting the roof again with consistent musical notes. I’m thankful that the rain is starting again … mahalo, mahalo ( thank you )


To see other skywatch friday’s go visit

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Foliage Follow up - the infamous AE AE Banana



These temperamental bananas called Musa Ae Ae  originates from Hawaii and were only reserved for royalty in ancient times. They are very fussy plants even here in Hawaii and require heavy feeding… they want just the perfect conditions with acidic soil to bring out their amazing foliage and if your really lucky some real fruit. They are very slow growing, below is a mature plant with some bananas almost ready for the picking. (These are from a friend’s garden and I wasn’t able to taste it since it wasn’t quite ready, mine are below and still quite small plants )






To view more amazing foliage plants visit Diggiing at

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who Likes Chocolate?

Happy bloom day to all you gardeners and today I’m presenting flowers in sepia tones.
I’m very interested in doing more flower studies and this series will be in sepia which I’ve also been attracted to as a photography medium outside of black and white studies. I think the subject matter ends up becoming more detailed studies in tonality, texture, shapes and light to dark contrasts.
Wild orchids in the back yard. Phillipine ground orchid (Spathoglottis plicata)

Beautiful Ginger blooms, shell ginger (Curcuma rhabdota)

A double hibiscus bloom

Amaryllis blooms

Euphorbia blooms, Euphorbia Splendens

A double red hibiscus done in sepia.

Plumeria studies
These sepia studies offer a different take to the black and white studies, I think they add a more organic nature to pure black and white studies which are more graphic in nature.

To visit other bloom days for January 15th, go visit