Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yes, Rain at Last … Musical notes Hitting my Roof



At last it is here, first barely audible … ever so softly hitting the metal roof, then coming down more consistently and with urgency.



The last few weeks of dull grey skies have teased us long enough, the heaven’s finally opening its treasure chest of liquid gold to refreshed our parched land, soothing the weary flora from its dried foundations. Will we get more nourishment or just a trickle to appease our desperate cries?







For awhile its been consistent in an hours time, and then it stopped. Although, the winds are active and bending the coconut trees, swaying their fronds in all directions.



After a quick walk around the garden, I see a whole branch of my papaya tree has snapped into two and toppled its top heavy bundle of young green papayas due to lack of water. I will still harvest these green papayas and make a refreshing green papaya salad which a gift from my garden.



After I carry my load of fresh papayas, I start to hear the faint rainy patterns again. Hitting the roof again with consistent musical notes. I’m thankful that the rain is starting again … mahalo, mahalo ( thank you )


To see other skywatch friday’s go visit


  1. Fab moody skies, love the shot with the palm trees especially.

    Hope you enjoy your papayas,

    RO xx

  2. Good to see you got some rain at last... looking forward to some photos of what this rain brings forth

  3. So happy that you got rain! Isn't it a great sound? I too love the palms against that moody sky. Enjoy your papayas!

  4. Glad you got the rain you needed! Love your shots, particularly the one with the palm trees! Lovely! Enjoy the papayas and have a great weekend, Noel!


  5. Hello Noel,

    Your happiness at hearing rain sounds like what us desert dwellers say :^) So glad you are receiving the rain you need.

  6. Happy for you that you finally get the much needed rain! The pictures are beautiful. Enjoy your papaya!

  7. Lovely, hope your garden will thrive with the rain. Papaya salad - yumm! with chilli and lime... yumm...

    Have a nice weekend :)

  8. Nice photos! How wonderful you have it in Hawaii, here in Sweden we have lots of snow. I must say I get so inspired by your blog! /Linda (

  9. Great to hear you finally got some rain Noel! I'm hoping more is heading your way to soak the garden and fill the water tank!

  10. Driving around Hilo I was amazed to see how dry the plants were. I guess it all depends what part of the island you are on.

    I hope it rained long and hard for you.

  11. Hi Noel! I'm jealous that you get fresh papaya for salad! But I'm happy you got rain. Here in Albuquerque, people clap when it rains. Cracks me up!

  12. Beautiful pictures, Noel, and loved the post. This sentence painted a clear picture in my mind's eye: "[...] the winds are active and bending the coconut trees, swaying their fronds in all directions."

    I am so glad for you, that you got rain. We have been through a horrific drought these last several years, and I know now not to ever take the rains for granted. I liked learned the Hawaiian word for thank you -- pretty sounding in my mind! :)

  13. I have never seen papaya on a branch before. How interesting!

  14. Greetings Noel, I am so glad for you that you have, at last, had some rain. I very much hope that it has poured and continues so to do. The images of the sky are most dramatic.

    It is good to catch up once more after the demise, and now resurrection, of Blotanical.

  15. Cheers for the rain. And, thanks for that gorgeous ocean shot. I miss the ocean and that was a sweet treat.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel