Saturday, February 6, 2010

Rain, Rain Please Come Today




Rain, rain please come today….oh how parched the land is and the papayas and bananas wilt thirsty for its daily drink.



Please don’t tease us any more, we have been waiting for so long.



With no more rainy season, the grasses are dried up and the flora is spindly and weak.



We long for refreshment and liquid gold…the double rainbows illuminating the sky.



Please come today so we can celebrate our emerald hues again!


Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear.” author unknown


To view other scenic sundays, go to


  1. A very teasing sky. I hope it rained there. I know what you mean about brown and parched everything — our summer is beginning too.

    Beautiful photos though, especially the first one!

    Happy weekend!

  2. Stunning photos! I wish I could send you some of our rain. We've had rain all week. I think it is suppose to clear tomorrow. I hope!

  3. Hello Noel,

    It is strange to think that you are wishing for rain, when we are currently getting rained on in the desert ;^) Your cloudy photos are so beautiful and remind me of the anticipation I feel as storm clouds gather. I hope it rains for you soon.

  4. Be happy to send you some of our rain...we've more than had enough for a while! Lovely photos!

  5. Pretty photos! Let it rain...let it rain, let it rain.

  6. We hold our breath as summer approaches hoping for rain ... we had so many years of drought that up until two years ago we would wait in vain. Let's hope you get rain soon!

  7. Weather is amazing, isn't it? While you wait anxiously for rain, some parts of the US are being rained on rather torrentially while others have had way too much snow. Shall we blame this all on El Nino? She seems to be responsible for a lot of headaches this year.

  8. Wow! It never occurred to me that Hawaii might have parched land. I hope you get rain soon!

  9. Lovely and beautifully photographed.

  10. Nothing worse than those clouds that looks so close to bursting, yet they float away! I hope they deliver rain to you soon.

  11. Beautiful shots! And a wonderful quote. I do hope you get some much needed rain.

  12. Greetings Noel, What extraordinary, dramatic pictures. All that glowering cloud and yet no rain. How I do feel for you and for your garden too. It is so very depressing to watch as plants [and trees even] suffer because of a shortage of rainfall. But do take heart. In my experience, plants are great survivors - rather like humans!

  13. Hope that the much wanted rain falls soon Noel.

  14. Beautiful, beautiful skies. Rain rain go to Hawaii!

  15. Lovely sunsets you have there at the first photo, reminds me of the active Kilauea

  16. Best wishes for rain! I would send you some, if I could :) BTW, thanks for visiting my blog recently.

  17. Lovely blog, with beautiful photos! Here in Sweden it´s lots of snow.

  18. Noel, as a past vacationer on Kauai, where it always seems to rain - if only briefly - daily, I know how important water is in keeping your magical islands lush and beautiful. I hope you get rain soon. Otherwise I will try to find a way to ship you some of the tremendous amounts of snow we're dealing with in the Washington DC area!


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel