Friday, April 23, 2010

Blooming for Friday


Gorgeous brassavolas are so delicate and wispy here and yet the colors are so vivid, contrasting in their deep purple petals and white stripes offset by the white throat and yellow stamens.



They look like precious little medallions ready for a corsage or buttoneer



Or better yet, just left to its own intact and longer lived while attached to the plant.



These star shaped orchids come from Central America like bright but filtered light, they exude a light citrus smell in the evening hours to attract moths to help pollinate the flowers….hmm they are attracting my attention instead.


For other fertilzer blooms go visit tootsie at


  1. Noel, thanks for stopping by my post - I love your orchid, my cousin raised orchids in his greenhouse and traveled the world to get new ones. He gave me a few however my climate just wasn't condusive to growing them. I took a look around your at your last post too. I love horses and flowers so I enjoyed looking at the Pau Riders. Enjoy that coffe!

  2. Oh, lovely, Noel. That light citrus fragrance would have me looking around, as well. :)

  3. Ah, orchids are like the diamonds of jewels. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a unique and interesting plant. I love there extraordinary shape. What fun!

  5. Noel I have not got this orchid but I've been told that in the UK its so easy to look after in the home. I need to source one! those photos are lovely.

  6. Absolutely beautiful pics of the orchid! I envy the different flowers you are able to grow easily in Hawaii! Thanks for dropping by my blog today as well. PAM

  7. What a lovely, and delicate orchid. I haven't seen them before, but they're beautiful. The citrus scent would have me intrigued as well!

  8. Noel, I think your orchids are positively gorgeous! I love the colors and the exotic shape. Nice pics, as always!

  9. Just a guess: those aren't hardy in zone 4, are they? A gardener can dream I guess....

    Christine in Alaska

  10. Ahhh,What Beautiful orchids!! So delicate. You are luck to have some rain, we haven't had rain since mid March!We finally turned the water outside on ( because we had to give the fish new water ...)and i then spent the rest of the day watering all the beds.They were so thankful:) Your photos are really great!! Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. Have a great weekend!
    Blessings ~ Angel

  11. What amazing flowers these are - thanks so much for sharing, Paula in Idaho

  12. Noel! You almost killed me with the breathless beauty of those flowers! It was utterly my love at first sight and I am not breathing well now. :-)

  13. Beautiful and otherworldly Noel!

  14. Cool orchid :D In the first photo, they almost remind me of swimming jellyfish :D

  15. Hello Noel,

    The brassavolas are so beautiful! I haven't seen an orchid that even looks similar to them. Thank you for sharing these beautiful orchids.

  16. SUBLIME ORCHIDS..........!
    ...but YOUR HEADER is just SUPER-SUBLIME....wonderful Photo!!!!!!!
    have a sunny sunday!!!!!!
    ciao ciao elvira

  17. Gorgeous shots! What a beautiful flower

  18. Those brassavolas are stunning orchids! You really live in orchid heaven, don't you?

  19. unusual orchids, mum and dad used to grow them in Borneo.

    I am too impatient to grow them, Takes too long.

  20. That's a unique flower with a unique shape to it and interesting too. An awesome subject for photography!

  21. Oi, Noel:
    Cheguei até aqui pelo seu comentário no blog da Maria Zélia - Jardim Mel.
    Gostei muito das fotos, mas não leio inglês. Seu blog não tem tradutor, não é ?
    Tenho encontrado blogs maravilhosos que também não possuem tradução, o que é uma pena, pois não posso acompanhá-los.

    Parabéns pelo blog.

  22. I don't speak english, Noel. Your blog have not translater, but my blog has.
    Did you unterstand me ?
    My husband helped me.

    Flora Maria

  23. Those dainty blooms are very pretty. I enjoyed scrolling down your blog seeing all those beautiful leis and people.

    Thank you for your comment on my April 8 post. For some reason the link took people there. If you want to see my current Fertilizer Friday post, here is the link:

  24. Noel: You always have some exotic flower show to us. This orchid is no exception! Really stunning! Love, Love it!

  25. Those are beautiful flowers. Very exotic looking.

  26. Aloha Noel.
    Woua! Woua! Beautiful.

  27. these are just outstanding...too pretty for words!
    thanks for linking in this week. I am sorry it took so long to get over here and see...I just can't seem to get to the end of the busy around here these days! I do hope you will link in again...I have enjoyed my visit!


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel