Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blossoms Everywhere






Here in Hilo town, entire boulevards are line with these gorgeous rainbow shower trees or Cassia fistula x javanica and they are all putting out quite a show. The shower trees are adorned with colorful displays of these long clusters of pale yellow then crescendo to hot pink and orange hues.







They are all in bloom now and showcasing the beauty of Hilo’s bay front area with a profusion of cascading flowers. What an ideal way to highlight the beauty of these tropical trees than to line the streets with these prolific hybrids.









Another variety that is used in many of the greenbelt areas and parks are the golden yellow shower trees called Senna Fistula X Cassia fistula. This cassia is also a summer bloomer with long strands of pale to deeper yellow florets. The trees grow effortlessly here, are drought tolerant and adapt to many soil environments including sandy and ocean sprayed areas which is perfect to the open bay front of Hilo.








Cassia is a huge genus with over 500 species and are some of the most colorful trees and shrubs in East Hawaii. I think they picked the perfect species to highlight the beauty of this area and town, don’t you think?



To see other flowers for today go and visit

To see other fertilizer posts for this week, come and visit


  1. How gorgeous Noel! You live in a paradise. Beautiful landscapes with your blooming trees. My son and his new wife were just in Maui and LOVED it. ;>)

  2. Hi Noel,
    questi fiori così colorati sono meravigliosi e superbi :)
    Peccato non poterne gustare anche il profumo, che secondo me, deve essere monto intenso.
    Buona serata.

  3. Greetings Noel, I cannot believe what I am seeing in your pictures and witness these trees in reality must be truly amazing. It is the vibrancy of the colour which is so spectacular and, from a European perspective, so very, very striking. And what amazing views down towards the sea. Your homeland, Noel, is incredibly beautiful and it is a joy that you are able to share it through your postings.

    As Friday approaches, have a very happy weekend.

  4. Incredible cassia fistula! Thanks so much for posting these pictures. We had one here but it froze to death in our recent cold winter. I loved seeing yours!

  5. These are absolutely gorgeous. I wonder if they would do well in our Alabama climate.

  6. Those are so beautiful! I really like the orange and yellow ones. I wonder how well they would do here in Myrtle Beach.

  7. Lovely shots. Cassia season is well past in this place.

  8. Just gorgeous, Noel. Thanks for introducing us all to this tropical beauty. :)

  9. Oh Noel,

    Two beautiful plants....

    I especially love the vibrant colors of the first one. I really need to visit Hawaii and see the beauty that you show us for myself :-)

  10. Beautiful colours. The yellow ones are grown in many areas here. When they bloom, they are completely yellow at the top and at the bottom too, with fallen yellow flowers. ~bangchik

  11. Wow, those cassia trees are gorgeous, such vibrant colors and totally unknown in MI!

  12. Hi Noel...those trees are magnificent! The yellow ones are a common sight in our summer landscape but those vibrant ones with pink and orange are so beautiful...I've never seen them before. Thanks for posting these fabulous photos!

  13. Noel, thanks for bringing to my attention in one of my blog postings about the Cassia you posted here. I must have missed it as I perused through your blog. I have to say they are simply awesome. These trees are tall and mature compared to the young and tiny ones we have in our garden.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel