Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Sweet November Bloomer



Aaaah yes, its that time of the year when the tropical rhododendrons or vireyas are in bloom in Hawaii. Actually they bloom year round, but the heavy flushes are coming out during the winter season. Its quite a show.

One of my early bloomers just started to come out in the front yard and it reminds me of why I just love these beauties, isn’t it sweet to greet me this morning?  This one has a faint morning scent, like vanilla and rose combined, just the right thing to whiff on the way out the door.




To see more beautiful flowers today go and visit


  1. Wow, the scent of vanila and rose sounds delicious. Beautiful blooms and photos.

  2. Marwellous flowers.
    Fantastic color.

    Hawaii is a dream place for me.

    Have a nice day

    Gunilla in Sweden

  3. Awesome captures, love the colours! This Rhododendron looks very exotic - and the scent of vanilla and roses must be wonderful.

  4. Wow, gorgeous flowers! I can imagine how delightful the flowers and the scent are when you walk out the door!

  5. Vanilla and rose along with this lovely bloom to greet you . . . Lovely! Beautiful photos Noel!

  6. Lindíssimo exemplar de Rhododendron, sua cor é bem alegre e expressiva, fico a imaginar como deve ser maravilhoso ver e sentir o perfume destas flores.
    Uma semana florida e cheia de paz!

  7. Absolutely stunning! I can almost smell them! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Our late bloomers aren't quite as showy as yours! But, this time of year, any flower will do, esp. out in the wild! I look forward to taking advantage of some quiet time to peruse your archived posts and learning more about about Hawaiian botany. ~karen

  8. Noel, what a lovely blooming flowers...
    Thanks for dropping by; have a great week :)

  9. It's really beautiful and the photo is excellent! L

  10. they look luscious! the scent of vanilla and rose sounds delightful!

  11. What a heavenly scent to get early in the morning! I have not seen this flower here.

  12. You do live in paradise, don't you?

  13. Aloha Noel,
    Thanks for commenting on my entry. I envy your tropical weather. I haven't been to Hawaii, to be honest.
    Great macro shots!
    Have a wonderful day.

  14. That gorgeous colour AND scent?! Wonderful. Thank you for a burst of colour when my own surroundings are shades of grey.

  15. Bela flor de exuberante cor! Realmente é um saudação doce e aromática!


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel