Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Hot, the Loud and the Proud #13


Show us your tropicals and exotics, your hot Mediterranean colors and wild combinations, amazing discoveries and unusual variations. Or how about something exciting you just saw, a crazy garden,  amazing garden art or design, an inspiring visit or hike?

This meme is open to all (you do not have to live in an exotic location to participate)  and will be on the last day of each month…so mark your calendars and lets do something fun on the hot, the loud and the proud meme. I’ll have the link available early, east coast time (USA) to catch you early birds and even earlier for those of you in other countries.

Its been raining all week and last, too wet to be outside. but not wet enough to go to our bi-annual nurserymen's sale which covers a stadium filled with all the nurseries from around the island.

Come and take a look at the amazing plants for sale below...

This event called the BIAN sale is the largest plant sale on the island. You will find everything from the most exotic orchids, the vast variety of tropical fruits, exciting flowering trees and bamboos to other specialties like hibiscus, vireyas and bromeliad growers.

Here's a find of exotic and lush carnivorous pitcher plants one plant this size was only four dollars, a great deal don't you think?

There's always a big selection of exotic orchid growers at this sale, and they always introduce many of their new hybrids at this show sale. These growers are always mobbed with buyers right from the start and and usually the first to be finished with their plant selections.

There are many anthurium growers showing the latest new hybrids also for sale, its sometimes relaxing and other times a mad dash to pick up whats new.

Hibiscus growers also are very popular here with so many different and exciting colors to choose from.

As you can see plant lovers span all ages from our grandmothers to their grand children.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of the Bian sale, whenever you are on the Big Island this event happens twice a year during the spring and fall seasons.

Come and visit other gardens of the world today below

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Swirling Patterns with Colorful Leaves

Along the beach at Haena are these beautiful autograph trees with wonderful large green leaves that eventually turn into bright orange, yellow and red before they fall onto the ground.

Except here, they are falling into the sand, a beautiful black and white sand beach.

In an ever changing pattern of swirls and texture created with the ebb and flow of the tide coming on the beach.

Its magical and I watch in amazement at the virtual art that is constantly changing before my very eyes, so exciting to see.

This is my contribution to skywatch friday, to see others go visit

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Morning Walks by the Ocean are Always Special

I've started a new walking program with a friend exploring the coastal cliffs and walking trails around our neighborhood and it is so amazing how much the vistas change every morning.


All in one day it can be bright and sunny, the next moment its dreary and raining and then it changes again to dramatic and puffy clouds. It makes for a very lively walk and fortunately my walking partner, doesn't mind my taking quick photos to document all the beautiful scenes unfolding.

Arent' these views inspiring, I couldn't even consider our walks exercise when we get to see this much beauty every day.

This is my contribution to my world tuesday, to visit others go to


Friday, March 11, 2011

A Tsunami From Japan to Hawaii

The Tsunami from Japan or across the ocean, somethimes hits the east side of Hawai Island as an indicator to the rest of the state, but this time the west side on Kona took the brunt of the damages. Mostly with Tidal surges going through the main thoroughfare as you can see on this You Tube video with a brave tourist taking the photos.

Surprisingly most of the areas like our stadiums are located in very low lying areas, so most people had to go to higher grounds and alot of people parked out at the local Walmart Center which is way into town and can accomodate alot of cars.  We are thankful our islands were spared and hope things get addressed quickly in Japan and the vast devastation there.

I'll share this for our skywatch friday in Hawaii

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Three Miles of Ocean Views for Sale

Guess what, for just a mere forty million dollars you can be the owner of three miles of ocean front property with a very rare green sand beach and well over 2,100 acres of raw tropical land. This area is untouched by any development and has been largely intact for many decades.

This area really feels like Jurassic Park with old trees, jungles, coconut fringed beaches and ocean inslets that are rarely seen by the public.

The estate is privately owned by an Oahu family that rarely visits and originally had plans to build a mega resort here on the East side of Hawaii until family plans made them change course.

There are no structures but a small picnic overhang with stellar views of a beautiful inslet with green sand, one of only a few places on Hawaii Island to have a green sand beach.

So now you can be the owners of this beautiful and pristine land a real piece of paradise....any takers?

For other watery Wednesday views go visit