Friday, March 11, 2011

A Tsunami From Japan to Hawaii

The Tsunami from Japan or across the ocean, somethimes hits the east side of Hawai Island as an indicator to the rest of the state, but this time the west side on Kona took the brunt of the damages. Mostly with Tidal surges going through the main thoroughfare as you can see on this You Tube video with a brave tourist taking the photos.

Surprisingly most of the areas like our stadiums are located in very low lying areas, so most people had to go to higher grounds and alot of people parked out at the local Walmart Center which is way into town and can accomodate alot of cars.  We are thankful our islands were spared and hope things get addressed quickly in Japan and the vast devastation there.

I'll share this for our skywatch friday in Hawaii


  1. So glad to hear you're safe and sound, Noel and that the tidal surges didn't reach you. Poor Kona, though. That's a fair bit of water through the coastal city. I've heard that Guam coped a bit of a beating as well. The devastation in north-eastern Japan is just awful ... there's no words really.

  2. Incredible stuff....this guy is lucky nothing happened to him. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones....nothing really prepares you for these kinds of things.

  3. I was glued to the radio all day today on this terrible earthquake and Tsunami. I was so glad to hear it was not going to hit Hawaii as bad as first suspected. I though of you and others in the affected areas and my prayers were with all of you. It is good to see postings and am hoping to see those from Japan soon. It is so scary 'knowing' bloggers in these affected areas and hoping all is OK for them and their loved ones.

  4. Grande disastro umano !!!
    Quando accadono queste cose, veramente capiamo che nulla possiamo contro la forza della natura !
    La natura ci fà vedere il suo grande ruggito di rabbia !
    Una preghiera per tutti voi !

  5. Thanks for sharing this. Glad that it has not affected Hawaii.

  6. Dear Noel, I was so relieved to read and hear yesterday that Hawaii was spared the horrid onslaught that hit Japan. I had not seen anything like the video you inserted here though. Yikes what that might have been. Great that you are OK too! Thanks for sharing this!

  7. I've seen a part of Kona coast once. Yes it was vulnerable, good it was just like that! I am sure you know that a lot of Pinoys are in Japan and anywhere else in the world. We just have repatriated a lot from Libya and now worried about lots affected in Japan. The world is really in troubled times. We pray for the distraught and affected.

  8. Glad to hear that you are OK. We watch those pictures of Japan with horror. It is like a really badly made for TV Hollywood movie, with not believable special effects. Can't imagine where or how Japan can start clearing up and start again. Diana

  9. Thank you for sharing the video. I had really not seen much info about how Hawaii had fared. So glad to hear that all is well.

  10. I am so glad that they got it wrong and the Tsunami's effects were not as widespread as first feared. No comfort to the people of Japan though. Horrific scenes now brought to our living rooms and laptops across the globe.

  11. Pleased to hear Hawaii escaped the Tsunami, our hearts do indeed go out to those in Japan. A reminder as to how fragile our lives are.

  12. Noel, I'm so glad the islands were mostly spared. The video is scarey...the force of the water is definitely not a joke. It's been a tremendous ordeal for those in Japan.


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel