Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Exploring a Green Sand Beach in Hawaii

Exploring a green sand beach in East Hawaii, is a rare treat, most of the beaches on this side tend to be black sand, blank and white or just pebble beaches. This is unique and bringing my camera along to explore the flora and surrounding landscape was a great part of the experience.

The video presentation includes some of my explorations into abstract camera imagery while exploring this exciting place.

Hope you enjoy the video!


  1. You truly have mastered the lens. I enjoyed the abstract. Reminded me of watercolors.

  2. Very interesting Noel! I love some of the stunning images, beautiful people and the music was great too. Thanks for asking . . . I miss visiting but Lyme has me in its own time. I hope to feel less stressed later on. Less crazed by spirochetes too. Love scrolling through your travels here. Take care, Carol

  3. Wow! Great shots!
    I love most of the photos.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  4. Hi first time here and love your moonflower blog header! I posted the same one on my post fragrant white on my tassels and twigs blog! love the fragrance!

    I am also a plant lover but visitng today from my Cape Town Blog.



I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel