Sunday, January 27, 2013

A hike through Waipio Valley


A fantastic Saturday last weekend, when our local photo club sponsored a trip to Waipio Valley on the north Hamakua coastline. This gigantic gulch on the top western-most part of the island is unspoilt area outside of some dedicated taro growers that cultivate wet taro on the floor along the various streams and rivers running through the valley.




This type of excursion requires a solid four wheel vehicle to navigate the steep downhill grade to the bottom and the numerous rivers and impromptu streams that disect the main road leading to the interior areas and the main waterfall.












































©Noel Morata, All rights reserved

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Walk Through Golden Gate park in January


It was a chilly morning in San Francisco for early January, but the day was clear and dry outside, so it was a perfect day to spend roaming around Golden Gate park.

Being cooped up the past few days of wet weather really brought out the explorer in me, I hiked all over the park, enjoyed new discoveries and old favorite spots worth re-visiting in the park.


Surprisingly, there were quite a few blooms still going on in the midst of winter (well at least a cold for me). I could always count on a beautiful display and visit to the Conservatory of Flowers in the park. A whole section of the entry walk way to the conservatory was filled with colorful spring-like icelandic poppies and blue pansies


These guys will lift up any spirits during the cold doldrums of winter.


A new installation inside is in progress so its closed for visits - no worries, there's still alot of things outside to see. At the dahlia dell to the left side of the conservatory, the last few scrappy survivors were struggling to put on their last show during the new year – I'm amazed to see these few blooms in January!



Still gorgeous to see with its last ‘hurrah’ of winter….


Around the dahlia dell is a succulent and cactus garden that it is coming out with full blooms from the various varieties of aloes and yuccas.  Their winter blooms dazzle like sculpture, and project spiked blooms all over the garden and up into the blue skies.


I love how the sun is highlighting these flower spikes below.




The yuccas are also giving a great show with huge spikes of yellow-drop florets.  Its so beautiful seeing them at this time of the year when mostly everything else is quiet in the park.


Close-by to the dell is a shady area filled with these beautiful calla lillies, so perfect and with huge white blooms. Their bright yellow spadix attracting a slew of hungry bees flying everywhere – it was so nice to see them here, active and plentiful.


A busy bee inside the calla working its magic.


I can always count on my visits to the Conservatory of Flowers in the midst of wintertime in the park. It’s a nice bright spot to visit.

Here’s a nice last shot with a detail of the glass pavilion and insignia of Golden Gate park below
