Sunday, January 27, 2013

A hike through Waipio Valley


A fantastic Saturday last weekend, when our local photo club sponsored a trip to Waipio Valley on the north Hamakua coastline. This gigantic gulch on the top western-most part of the island is unspoilt area outside of some dedicated taro growers that cultivate wet taro on the floor along the various streams and rivers running through the valley.




This type of excursion requires a solid four wheel vehicle to navigate the steep downhill grade to the bottom and the numerous rivers and impromptu streams that disect the main road leading to the interior areas and the main waterfall.












































©Noel Morata, All rights reserved

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  1. wow that was some really different scenery - glad you had the opportunity to do it.

  2. how lucky...your pictures cant express the beauty i have gone down in a jeep WhAT an adventure!!I would love to live long enough to take my gradkids

  3. Beautiful photos, Noel. I especially liked the fourth and sixth, with the yellow heliconias and red gingers in the foreground respectively. I am definitely getting itchy feet to visit Hawaii.

  4. I suppose "paradise" is where one makes it, but in that valley, no one needs to make it. The first two photos look almost unworldy, like a painting!


I always love to hear about your comments or questions on this post, mahalo nui loa - noel