Show us your tropicals and exotics, your hot mediterranean colors and wild combinations, amazing discoveries and unusual variations. Or how about something exciting you just saw, a crazy garden, amazing garden art or design, an inspiring visit or hike?
This meme is open to all (you do not have to live in an exotic location to participate) and will be on the last day of each month…so mark your calendars and lets do something fun on the hot, the loud and the proud meme. I’ll have the link available early, east coast time (USA) to catch you early birds and even earlier for those of you in other countries.
To link a post or to view on the Hot, the Loud and the Proud Meme, see the link below
I'll be posting one tomorrow! can't wait!
Noel, I have submitted my link at no. 3 just now but it didn't appear. I'll try again later.
Noel, I also have submitted my link around 7, but it did not appear even after about 10 minutes, so I tried again, and still no show :( Anyway, in case it doesn't show at all, here is the link:
Or if it shows twice, you will know why :)
Hey, Noel...I hope there's not an issue with you Link Master..I've submitted my post twice..once yesterday and once today. Hope it goes through this time.
Hope all is well with you!
Oh no Noel - I put the wrong link to my post. No wonder I've had hardly anyone over visiting my place. I am going to reenter it. Sorry
This sounds like a fun one. When I get something hot, loud or proud blooming I'll try to join in. Right now it's cold, quiet and wet here.
I love to see all your exotic plants. They are amazing.
Thx for the wonderful opportunity to participate in the Meme... Looking fwd to visiting other participants. Regards Radhika @ EGT
Love yr photo - I'll keep this in mind for next month end!
Oh, dear! Noel, I really did mean to post, but somehow ...
But there's always next month!
I love this idea - I can't wait to share some photos!
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