Friday, March 26, 2010

Words That Inspire – My Interpretation

A flower touches everyone's heart.
Georgia O'Keefe 

I’ve always been attracted to Georgia O’Keefe’s paintings of her landscapes and flowers. Intense colors and shapes that lead viewers to many interpretations, seductive and vivid.


The sensuous lines and curves appeal to feminine desires or imaginary whims.


White is so pure and yet so seductive.


The broad brush strokes evoke desire and the fine lines give intimate details, makes me tingle…


The shocking colors, textures and dramatic shapes do suggest.


A flower does touch everyone’s heart and maybe even more intensely. Georgia was not a prude with her passions!

To view other garden bloggers posts with this theme please go visit and check out the comment section for their links to their posts.

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Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hi Noel, Love your flowers!, LOVE your photography!! I really love when photos are set against a black background it really makes them pop! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Rich colours and glorious flowers, Noel. Georgia O'Keefe sure had it right, too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures Noel.

Unknown said...

Aloha Noel
Nice close-ups, happy weekend, Ev

Floridagirl said...

I love those orchid shots...and the anthurium! They are quite colorful and provocative. I've joined in with my own interpretation: Thanks for hosting this!

Anita said...

Love your interpretation :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colors.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

The next best thing to holding them to you...just beautiful..

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I think I will join you...your blogs interest me... :)

Anonymous said...

Noel, This is a wonderful idea for a meme, and your photos are worthy of Georgia O'Keeffe. Stunning. -Jean

Rosie said...

Noel I love your photos and the inspirational thoughts that go along with them. A very sensual post indeed.

Tootsie said...

what a lovely post! I love the photos! thanks for linking in today...I hope to see you for more Fertilizer Fridays!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful blossoms. Hawaii is such a special place!

Noelle Johnson said...

Hello Noel,

Your bright and beautiful blossoms speak truly to Georgia O'Keefe's quote. I always look forward to seeing your beautiful photos.

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